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Columbia Office

Colombian American Chamber of Commerce, Bogota, Colombia

Deputy Director:
Adriana Bohorquez (full-time)

Qualifications of Contractor:
The American Chamber of Commerce is the most important, respected and influential U.S. trade organization operating in Colombia. They enjoy close ties to the highest-level government officials and business leaders in Colombia. They have the best infrastructure for representation in Colombia. They have offices in all the major urban centers in Colombia in order to facilitate EFI’s outreach around the country. They are firmly established as the source for Colombians who want to do business in the USA.

Contact Address:
Adriana Bohorquez
Colombian American Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Florida Colombia Office
Calle 98 No. 2264, Oficina 1209
Bogota, Colombia
Phone: 011 57-1-621-5042
Fax: 011 57-1-621-6838
Email: entflo@amchamcolombia.com.co


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